I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Friends of the Blues 2, by Myles Goodwyn and it's easy going. Opening with shuffle track, Hip Hip a shuffle track with Kenny Blues Boss Wayne on piano and Blair Mackay on drums, Goodwyn on lead vocal and ripping some tight guitar riffs. Bobby Womack's, All Over Now, gets an interesting rework with John Main on piano, Shrimp Daddy on harmonica and John Canpbelljohn on slide. Very cool. More traditional blues track, Fish Tank Blues, has cool guitar pick and slide technique over a slightly funky rhythm under Goodwyn's vocals. Campbelljohn is back on slide on Daddy Needs New Shoes, a quick paced shuffle with a snappy beat and backing vocals by Reeny Smith and Lisa Macdougall. Up next is I Saw Someone That Wasn't There (And It Was You), a blues rocker with some of the best vocals on the release and likely the best radio track on the release. With it's solid melody, call and response guitar riffs by David Gogo and nice piano lead. Wrapping the release is cowboy style track, Even Singing Cowboys get The Blues with a two step rhythm and yodeling. Jack De Keyzer on guitar and slide by Campbelljohn add a little spice to this closer.

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