I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Jazz Passion & Satin Latin, by Jimbo Ross and it's a lively mix of American Standards, jazz classics and original compositions. Opening with Victor Young's Delijah with it's mix of eastern and American rhythms, Jimbo Ross, electric violin virtuoso, really gets things ramped up. Carrying the melody on violin and joined by Joe Gaeta on guitar, Stuart Elster on piano, Peter Marshall on bass, and Ron Wagner on drums, swing and sway. Elster lays in a really nice piano solo giving the track classic sophistication and Gaeta hits a strong groove of his own on guitar working both chords streams and inventive, melodic concepts. Very nice. Wes Montgomery's bop creation, Jingles, holds classic form and structure but giving Ross plenty of room to stretch on violin. Elster on piano creates a strong melodic form of his own and Gaeta really stretches it with unexpected innovation. Johnny Mandel's pop classic, Emily, shapes up nicely for Ross to mold and shape around a powerful melody. I particularly like Elster form and simplicity and touch on this track and Marshall's bass soloing is deep and thoughtful. Gerry Mulligan's East Lag is one of my favorite tracks on the release with it's firmly reinforced rhythm and the wide open avenue afforded to Ross and especially Gaeta on guitar. Again, Elster on piano adds a nice touch to his own bright improv. Wrapping the release is Ernesto Lecuon, The Breeze & I with a high tempo pace. Gaeta and Ross both shine on articulate solos complimented by Elster on piano and Marshall's active bass line working with Wagner anchoring the piece. Vibrant closer.

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