I just received the newest release, Angels Sing The Blues featuring performances by Liz Mandeville, Mary Lane, Al Short, Shirley Johnson and Johnny Drummer and it's cool! Opening with Al "Guitar" Short on the Johnny Guitar Watson track, A Real Mother For Ya, backed by Johnny Drummer on keys, Walter Scott on rhythm guitar, Anthony Palmer on lead guitar, Kenny Hampton on bass, Tino Cortes on drums this release starts off with a kicking funk. Danny O'Connor takes the mic on Cold Women With Warm Hearts and a rolling James Brown rhythm driven by O'Connor's own bass lead. Very nice! Johnny Drummer is up next and a slick guitar intro by Palmer opens Gonna Sell My Cadillac, Buy Myself A Mule. This track has a great feel with extended guitar work by Palmer and Drummers vocals are tight, complimented by his own harp work. Slowing it down a bit, Drummer leads a low slung groove in easy style. Palmer steps up with some real nice riffs on this track giving it a real bluesy feel. R&B style track, Get Your Lovin' Where You Spend Your Time, features Shirley Johnson on lead vocals and she takes command. Compact guitar riffs and simple phrasing makes this track a solid radio contender. Mary lane takes center stage on Just As Grown As You and with a solid 12 bar rhythm and prominent keys from Drummer delivers a stike right down the alley. On Ride In Your Automobile, Lane gets the band involved with backing vocals from Mike Pappas and Alvin Short for a cool driver. Drummer is back up front on Rockin' In The Juke Joint and this is a cool rumble. Shirley Johnson is back up front on I'm Gonna Find Me A Lover, a high stepping R&B track with some of her best vocals on the release. Hamptons bass work on this track stand out nicely with compliments by Palmer. Again on Unchain My Heart, Johnson takes total control with thick, rich, vocals. Drummer's organ work on this track sets up just the right amount of tension, along with a slick guitar solo from Palmer, making this one of the strongest tracks on the release. Mary Lane really grinds out a classic on You Can Have My Husband, Please Don't Mess With My Man. With solid organ backing, nice bass work from Hampton and tight drums from Cortes, Palmer rips a real nice solo on this one. Very nice! Liz Mandeville takes center stage on Use What You Got and she gets hot and sassy. This is a hot track with heavy overtones and a sweet guitar riffs. Continuing with I Just Want To Make Love To You, Mandeville really works it and Drummer's harp and organ add nicely with hot guitar riffs from Palmer. Very cool! On John Prine classic, Angel From Montgomery, Mandeville, Lane and Johnson team up for a solid soulful rendition supported by Amber McMillan and Taniesha Brock on backing vocal and John Elwood Migliaccio and Scott Harper on sax. Very smooth. Wrapping the release is a funky, Run A Red Light, with plucky guitar and bass riffs and Mary Lane showing her stuff just one more time.

If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”
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If you support live Blues acts, up and coming Blues talents and want to learn more about Blues news and Fathers of the Blues, Like ---Bman’s Blues Report--- Facebook Page! I’m looking for great talent and trying to grow the audience for your favorites band! - ”LIKE”
For added exposure - Blues World Wide Group "LIKE"