I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, The Hideaway Sessions from electro- acoustic collective, Tritone Asylum and it's really interesting. Opening with Grasshopper, a Latin influenced track, the band, made up of Philip Topping on electronic Valve Instrument, Ian Vo on sax and flute, Mitch Forman on keys, Peter Sepsis on bass and Dave Johnstone on drums really get moving. I particularly like lively sax solo by Vo which is a screamer. Off centered, The 54 Blues is one of my favorite tracks on the release with 5/4 time and Topping leading the way on Electronic Valve over a tight drum cadence by Johnstone. Waddell breaks loose with a dynamic guitar solo that speaks nicely and Vo's sax solo is quite soulful. Forman lays in a real nice key solo and precise guitar punctuation really adds a nice touch. Very cool. With a funky bottom thanks to Sepsis and Johnstone Simple is really humming and Topping and Vo carry the melody. I really like Vos' sax work on the solo of this track cutting loos from convention and shining strong. Forman sets up a real nice electric piano phrase and develops it nicely and Waddell steps in with nicely phrased guitar lead of his own giving the track a bit more edge making this another of my favorites on the release. Wrapping the release is light, springy, First Days Of Summer with a radio style melody and interesting yet controlled soloing by the band.

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