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I started a quest to find terrific blues music and incredible musicianship when I was just a little kid. I also have a tremendous appreciation of fine musical instruments and equipment. One of my greatest joys all of my life was sharing my finds with my friends. I'm now publishing my journey. I hope that you come along!

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Showing posts with label Troublemaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Troublemaker. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lost Cause Records artist: Clint Morgan - Troublemaker - New Release Review

 I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release (July 16, 2021), Troublemaker, from Clint Morgan and it's a lot of fun. Opening with Hangman Woman a cool country flavored rocker, Clint Morgan is on lead vocal with a casual Johnny Cash like approach. backed by Wendy Moten and the McCrary Sisters on vocal, Doug Lancio and John Del Toro Richardson on guitar, Kevin McKendree on piano, David Santos on bass, and Kenneth Blevins on drums, this is a hot opener. On traditional track, Go Down, Moses, Morgan's lead vocal, complimented nicely by Ann McCrary and Regina McCrary over a nicely orchestrated backing this track is very strong.  On a cover of Johnny Cash's Big River, Morgan nicely blends Cash's style with Ray Charles and the addition of Lancio's baritone guitar work and Jim Hoke on sax really hits the spot. One track that stands out as totally different is spoken word over a blues rocking rhythm, It's Rough Out Here with jamming guitar riffs, McKendree on piano and a tight drum bottom by Blevins. Very cool. Hoke and McKendree really jam it out on She takes My Money, a rockabilly style track with some really laid our rocking guitar riffs. Another track, Hurricane Harvey, with casual spoken words and echo like spoken vocal and McKendree on percussion but with acoustic slide by John Del Toro Richardson and nicely woven atmosphere is a swampy winner. Kinky Friedman adds guest vocal with Morgan and the McCrary sisters on comedic country blues, Somebody Put A Walmart On The Farm, with sparkeling piano work by McKendree and nice fiddle work by Jimmy Stewart. This isn't your typical top track but I think it has all of the components of a crowd favorite. Another crowd favorite likely is The Cover Of Living Blues, (a take on the Cover of Rolling Stone), with Bob Margolin on vocal and slide and solid backing warmth by The McCrary Sisters. Title track, The Troublemaker is a really interesting overview of traditional track, The Old Rugged Cross with Morgan on vocal and piano. This is a really interesting interpretation and a cool choice for closer with bluesy fiddle by stewart added. A bonus track is a different take on The Cover of Living Blues featuring Watermelon Slim on lead vocal and cool piano by Morgan and margolin on slide. Excellent closer. 

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