one of the first guitar songs i ever wrote GOING ALL THE WAY ended up on a local cable tv show as its theme song in brookhaven long island the song also won me a ascap songwriters award and apeared on long islands soundscape record featuring the best long island artists from there my metal rock band was formed EMPYRE at this time i contacted CONKLIN guitars and begain to do national ads promoting there guitars in GUITARWORLD CIRCUS MAGAZINE over the years good times magazine/ kerrang/ burn to name a few supported us. i have been a member of ASCAP for many years and recieved many songwriting awards. EMPYRE opeaned and toured with national acts we caught the eye of blue oyster cults bass player joe bouchard who produced its first cd to rave reviews the band also scored a record deal with DUTCH EAST INDIE fingers metal shop wbab suported the band as well after empyre the christian metal band SEVENFOLD was born we played large christian festivals to also rave reviews phil keaggy being one of them and the band bride after that CARLTON AND PAIGE made there way to the digital world
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