I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, No Mentions, No Worries, from Jonathan Mills and I really like it. Opening with title track, No Mentions, No Worries I immediately like this release. Jonathan Mills has a light, tight touch like Billy Cobham, and with Tyrone Jackson on Fender Rhodes piano and Tommy Sauter on bass the theme is set. Luke Weathington on alto sax is first to step up and his elaboration on the theme is terrific. Patrick Arthur is next to the front with a really stirring guitar solo before the band is brought back for a thematic chorus. Very nice opener. Slower, more introspective in nature, For Hadley's Folks is "a lulaby" written for Mills' niece and family to find sleep during the early months of infancy. With poetic phrasing by Weathington on alto and Arthur on guitar. This track floats. Uptempo, Calderazzish, has the melody and tempo for top radio track on the release. With a really nice piano interlude by Jackson, excellent drum punctuation by Mills and smart alto work by Weathington, this track is spot on. Moving back into more of a fusion mode, Wait For It, is a real nice showcase for Mills chops on drums. Sauter reinforces the bottom with solid bass line and Arthur leads off with round, clear guitar phrasing. Jackson's piano touch really adds to the composition with crystal clear melodic work and Weathington on alto gives the track the juice. Wrapping the release is rocker, Sneak Attack with Weathington setting the melody on alto. Jackson is first out of the box with a real nice run on piano. Weathington reinforces the bop feel of this track with his approach on sax leading to a real nice exploration by Sauter on bass. Arthur shows a real nice hand at bop soloing himself trading off with Mills on drums before consolidating for a unified closing. Super closer for a real nice release. Really cool cover too... by the way.

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