I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release September 25, 2020, Hanging Tree Guitars, from Music Makers Relief Foundation and it's the real deal, accompanying the release of the book of the same name. Opening with Rufus McKenzie singing Slavery Time Blues, over a wailing harmonica. Very authentic blues. Bishop Dready Manning sings Hard Luck and Troubles with only acoustic guitar and hand claps. His vocals are terrific and the accompaniment solid. Guitar Gabriel is as smooth as they come on Southland Blues, a strong delta style blues. His vocal and guitar work is tight yet not over produced. Excellent. John Lee Zeigler has a really cool voice approaching the falsetto of Skip James. Worked nicely with acoustic slide, John Henry is a really strong track. Spiritual track, Get Ready is potent with The Glory Vine Sisters. Powerful voices and R&B style format makes this one of my favorites on the release. Elder Anderson Johnson does a strong spiritual blues in Glory, Glory. With only the basic of guitar accompaniment and the enthusiasm of his vocals this is a great track. Gospel track, Somewhere To Lay My Head is a real hand slapper featuring Johnny Ray Daniels and rich vocal harmonies. Wrapping the release is Guitar Slim Stephens as pure as it gets on Amazing Grace with only a simple acoustic slide as backing. This is a release that's rich in history and sweat. Excellent!

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