I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Upbeat Mood, from Music Soup and it's cool, uptempo and spontaneous. Opening with Korean Apartment, guitarist, Nestor Dimopoulos plays long flowing guitar lead, joined by Eviginia Karlafti on organ and Vagelis Kotzabasis on drums. Driving yet understated, this is a solid opener. Bacharach's, My Little Red Book is pushed by Karlafti on keys and organ before Dimopoulos breaks into a bright guitar melody. Snappy rhythm by Kotzabasis on drums. Rocker, Fun Island, is led by Kotzabasis with a tight drum rhythm and Dimopoulos on guitar plucks the melody on guitar. Karlafti takes the lead on organ and Kym Purling on piano trading with Dimopoulos making for a bright melodic tune. Wrapping the release is snappy, Appointment In Athens pairing Dimopoulos on guitar with Henry Gergen on trumpet. Hot riffs by Karlifti and Gergen make this one of my favorite tracks on the release

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For your convenience, you can click the title of this post above to be taken to a site where this cd can be purchased - Happy Listening
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