I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, You Have No Hold Over Me by Ten Second Pistol and it's quite interesting. opening with slow blues number, Hold My Hand with Benny Chang leading the way on lead guitar and vocal, backed by Davis Alexander on bass and Manny Ayala drums. Chang's guitar riffs are fluid and constant, making this a great opener. On soul track, Hold On, the band shifts gears a bit and Chang's emphasis is on soulful vocals and lush chords. His stinging lead guitar soloing is crisp and nicely adorned. Very nice. Slow blues number, Get To Steppin' is really nicely formed wailing vocals and well placed guitar accents. Ayala really tips the cart on drums giving the track just the right heaviness and machine gun guitar riffs by Chang give it a nice flair. Bluesy ballad, Like A Bird is one of my favorite tracks on the release with it's haunting melody and warm, nicely executed guitar solos. Burn Baby Burn incorporates a reggae beat by Ayala and cool bass line by Alexander to the rocking delivery by Chang. A laid back, yet wound out guitar lead gives this track real smoke. Freedom shows a strong influence by Hendrix and a powerful under cut by Alexander and Ayala and distorted guitar lead by Chang. Wrapping the release is She Left Me featuring Chang on vocal and guitar into distortion with early blues simplicity. This is a cool closer for a super introduction to Ten Second Pistol (love the name by the way).

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