I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Cradle To The Grave, by Cary Morin and it's quite good. Opening with blues number and title track, Cradle To The Grave, Cary Morin accompanies himself on acoustic guitar with blues fused passion. Moving more to a country blues styling with tight and distinct finger picking which is used through most of the rest of the release, Morin's vocals are warm and inviting. Willie Brown's Mississippi Blues nuzzles in a little closer with a nice blues vamp, Phish's Back On The Train has a little bit of rag feel and Prince's Nothing Compare 2 U is a particularly nice arrangement... hard to say, but I like it better than others I have heard. Wrapping the release is Watch Over Me, a track with more of a Richie Havens feel. This is a happy kind of blues release and one that is interesting to listen to over and over. I really like where Cary is going and wish him the best.

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