I just received a copy of the new release by Jesse Roper aka The Roper Show. This is a very entertaining release with strong beat and really tasty guitar. Jesse is a good singer for this genre of music and I will be surprised if he doesn't make a lot of money. The music varies from solid blues to rock infused blues tunes and the worst thing that I could say about it (really) is that one song reminded me of John Mayer. Now hopefully that doesn't doesn't discourage anyone. Just trying to say, this is a very well written and produced release with great tunes and musical inspiration. It doesn't break any rules but has a broad selection of music to choose from without sounding incohesive.
Overall, I'd recommend this recording for anyone liking blues oriented music with a bent toward airplay. Great guitar riffs but still vocal in orientation.
Great job!
A genuine blues talent on the rise